
Hi. Bryce here.

Please know that if you buy something after clicking on a link on this site, there’s a good chance I’ll get paid an money and then use that buy things (probably camera gear).

Know that the fee I’m paid is never added to your cost – you would have paid exactly the same price either way (sometimes you’re even getting a discount).

IMPORTANT: I take ethics and integrity incredibly seriously and I’ll never recommend a product I wouldn’t recommend if they weren’t paying me. Most things I recommend I use myself, or would if it made sense for my businesses (I don’t have an active eCommerce site, so I don’t use Shopify right now).

What if you don’t like that I get paid an affiliate commission?

  1. Google the name of the product and buy direct from the vendor
  2. Unsubscribe from my email list
  3. Unfollow/Unfriend/Block me on Facebook
  4. Unfollow me on Twitter
  5. Reconsider whether being in business is the right move for you. You realise how capitalism works, right?