1. It saves you time
I hated having to wait two weeks for a book to arrive from Amazon. By the time it got to my door, I’d lost the excitement.
With my Kindle I can buy a book and have it ready to read in 2 minutes!
2. It saves you money
You can use your kindle to read free ebooks and articles as well as kindle books which are up 80% cheaper than the softcover versions, especially if you include the cost of shipping.
3. It indirectly makes you money
I and many others I respect all place huge value on reading business books. My theory is that if I can take one lesson that saves me time, money or heartache from every book I will easily make enough money to have a library of hundreds of books.
So far, every business book I have read and finished has justified its cost in the first few chapters.
With the money saved buying a kindle book versus a softcover makes it almost risk free.
4. It optimises your time
Everybody has down time that they can’t avoid such as: when your appointment is running late or you’re stuck in traffic in the back of a taxi.
I used to spend my time checking emails, which I’ve come to realise generally isn’t very productive when it’s done in bits and pieces.
Now I spend this time reading a couple of pages of my current book.